
Receive weather forecasts with more than 85% accuracy on your mobile phone via WhatsApp or simply SMS!

Know when to plant, fertilise, spray, harvest and even dry!

Every farm is different.
And so should the forecast you get.

With ignitia, even without the need for Internet connection, you will receive hyperlocal and highly accurate forecasts of rain, temperature, humidity, wind, among other parameters daily on your cell phone.

Only ignitia has:


You tell us the location of your farm and you receive forecasts, insights, and alerts specific to your location.

Double accuracy

gnitia is the first forecast model developed specifically for tropical climates.

Custom alerts

You can set alerts according to the crop and your farm’s needs to make the best decisions.

Choose the ideal plan for the reality of your farm and cultivation from R$ 24

Hire and cancel your subscription whenever you please*

Yearly plan
Monthly plan

37% OFF


Daily forecast and alerts, without the need for Internet connection for an economical price.

R$ 15/month

( R$ 180/year)

25% OFF


Daily forecasts and alerts via WhatsApp for an economical price, without consuming too much data.

R$ 22,50/month

( R$270/year)


Daily forecast and alerts, without the need for Internet connection.

R$ 24/month


Daily forecasts and alerts via WhatsApp, without consuming too much data.

R$ 30/month

ignitia Climate Intelligence - a handy tool for field staff

Forecast with a double accuracy than others and 84% assertiveness

Physical descriptions optimized for Brazil

Alerts and messages without the need for Internet connection

Weather conditions specific to your farm

Best cost-efficient solution for your business

Intelligence to decide when to plant, harvest, spray, fertilize, and more.

ignitia's forecasts are twice more accurate than the traditional weather forecast models that power most of the world's weather apps and services.

100% precision
80% - 90% precision
70% - 80% precision

Understand why ignitia's Climate Intelligence is the best option on the market.

Try and see for yourself
ignitia’s Climate Intelligence

*You can cancel your monthly plan at any time, except the promotional annual packages

ignitia © 2023. All rights reserved.